Thursday, September 20, 2012

Do you ever go to bed thinking about your breakfast for the next morning? This happens to me every single night! There's a lot to be said for a good bowl of oats and berries with a mini egg white omelet and a steamy cup of Joe in the morning. I am a huge fan of breakfast. I don't know how people can skip such a glorious meal. I love my morning routine. I eat my favorite meal as I read healthy living blogs and of course check out facebook----LOSER!
When I don't get to engage in my morning routine I feel a little off for the rest of the day. That was the story this morning. I was in a bit of a rush to get out the door.The time I usually spend waking up and reading was cut in half, basically nonexistent. I checked my email quickly and the weather, that's it. My big plan of the day was to  meet up with my sister for an early morning cardio combat class at her gym (which is so nice)then spend the morning with her and my niece Rory. This is my new Thurs. schedule. Although today was the first day of the combat class. I have been dieing to try some sort of exercise class to see what they are all about. It's def. not my usual thing at all, but I was curious. A lot of the blogs I read, are full of girls doing such classes so I thought I would give it a whirl. It's good to mix things up. I def. left feeling a tad disappointed. I think my expectations for a good kill me type workout were set too high. I liked the music and the energy of the class, but I felt a little cramped and afraid I was going to kick or punch somebody in the head. Not on purpose of course! It was good for me to get it out of my system. Now if I could quench my thirst for a good yoga class I will be all set. However the true story is, I  am a meathead to the core, always will be and nothing beats lifting weights!

Yesterday we did a power leg workout and needless to say my legs are sore and heavy today. I always get super anxious and nerved up on leg day for some reason. I often wonder if that happens to anybody else? As I have said many times before, it is my all time favorite workout. My dead lifts were a little on the weak side for some reason, but that's cool with me. It will be something to work toward. We were able to workout in the afternoon again, so it was nice and quiet. Due to this reason I was able to enjoy a hot dinner of steak , veggies and rice. It is the best when the steak is hot off the grill.
After dinner t we went to our favorite store : WHOLE FOODS to pick up a few items and treat ourselves to an iced Americano our new favorite craving! Whole Foods makes the best, I think it's because they have unsweetened almond milk to give it a nutty flavor. We both have addictive personalities when it comes to food/drinks we enjoy so we put a two special coffee limit on the week. Last night was number two, so we are dunzo for this week. It gets expensive!
I had a mini meltdown about our current situation-me with no job and all. I am so up and down with it lately, I absolutely hate it. I got a phone call from old school about subbing so I got wicked stressed out and then WHAM out of no where it was waterworks central. Blah, needless to say I was crankus for the rest of the night...bummer.
I was glad to wake up and get out of the house early this morning. I just got back from a casual walk and am waiting for Bren to get home so we can eat preworkout and bounce! Tonight is back and shoulders...gonna have to throw elbows around at the gym. Perhaps I'll whip out my cardio combat moves from this morning- jab, jab -Cross!!
Hopefully by the time we get there it will have died down a bit.

Tomorrow is the start of the weekend, so that means date night at Flatbreads to kick it off. Last weekend we missed out because I was still thinking about the show . Tomorrow is a highly anticipated night on both our parts. We truly love date nights. It's stress free and we get to have a treat that we work hard for all week! Also tomorrow bonus- they have pumpin beer on tap. We have been waiting for this big change over from Sea Dog Blueberry to Wolaver Pumpkin Ale all season and the time had finally come. Woot Woot!

I have been seeing a lot of fall bucket lists around the blogsphere...I might have to make one for myself before fall disappears and the winter comes knocking!

1. Drink Pumpkin Beer-CHECK!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Plan

Remember last week I was saying I never quit anything? Well I guess I have to eat my words. I have decided to back out of the show on the 29th because for me it's not worth it.

 My body still has not recovered from 22 wks. of dieting and show prep leading into my June show and my mind hasn't recovered either. Quite frankly, I am just not ready to restrict myself in the diet department and get at the cardio again. It was becoming way too stressful and as a result my body was rebelling. I have adjusted my diet appropriately and I already feel so much better. It is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I talked it out with Brendan and immediately felt better with my decision. Plus, financially right now it's not a smart decision. There is a lot of  money that goes into one show. It is crazy! I already have added pep in my step at the gym. It no longer feels like something I have to get done. Lifting feels normal and fun again. You truly need a strong mental state of mind before embarking on the prep. journey. I just am not there. I have too many other concerns and worries other than show prep. I need a break. I need to adjust my priorities and start focusing on enjoying my life again. Friday date nights are the only night where I completely let myself relax. At this point, I can't take it out of the equation and be happy. It's what I look forward to at the end of a long week. We eat clean and train hard year round so I am just going with it....I don't need to prep for a show to keep me motivated. Yes, it helps, but it's not the time.

On the workout front, we have switched up our workouts again. It has been four weeks. We are back on Layne Norton style training (a mix of power and endurance). They are long workouts and very intense, I am going to need all the food I can get to make them count (another reason why I am glad I have decided not to prep. for the 29th). Yesterday was upper body/power workout. It wiped me out. I loved the change up in exercises. I felt my back when I woke up this morning and my arms feel heavy- good sign! We will hit legs twice a wk. on this workout-which excites me!

This past weekend we went camping in NH with a couple of friends. It was a fantastic getaway, just what my crazy self needed. It truly was a beautiful fall weekend. The campsite we camped in was in the National forest. It was not a commercial site, like Bren and I camped at earlier in the summer. It was REAL camping! There were bathrooms  however, thank goodness, but that was about it for amenities. The bathrooms were very clean which was a bonus. A girl needs a clean place to pee and wash up!
Our friends went up on Friday night and got settled in for the weekend. We joined them early Saturday morning. It was kinda great to have the campsite all set up #spoiled! On our drive up the views were gorgeous. The sky was like HD TV so crisp and clear. When we arrived we didn't waste anytime, we hopped back in the car and headed to the mountain.
We ended up doing a  seven and a half mile hike-4,802 ft. It was a steady inlcine the entire way up. Def. the most challenging hike I have ever done. I loved it ! When we got to the top of the mountain, the sky was grey and it was super windy and cold. If it was a better day, the views would have been amazing. I didn't want to hang at the top for too long because the elements were too much for me. My face and fingers were frozen! The hike down wasn't too bad, it seemed to have gone quick.

I was famished all night long due to our hike. I couldn't get enough good food into my body. Delicious, grilled chicken, veggies, quinoa and crinks satisfied my hungry belly. I wanted to replenish my body with healthy, nutritious food. While the others were munching endlessly on crapola I was perfectly content with my clean food. I think perhaps it raised a few eyebrows, the fact that we weren't shoveling in Doritos and Cheezits, but that's all good. They were curious as to what we were eating, but I am thinking at this point they get me and my lifestyle and if they don't -OH WELL!

Not that I was judging because I totally was not BUT the amount of junk my friends consumed over the weekend was UNREAL! I think people don't realize how calorie dense trail mix is and chippies are. Totally not worth it in my eyes. I want to eat and be full.  Grazing on junk food just doesn't fill me up. I know it tastes delicious, but that only lasts a second. I have learned over the past couple of years it's not worth it. I look at food as fuel/energy. I do indulge on things that I consider to be worth it to me- I enjoyed two hearty, seasonal beers with my meal. Two is enough for me. It goes straight to my head these days. On a positive note, I think it helped to keep me warm.
After sitting by the fire for a bit, it was lights out for all! Turns out a day of hiking wipes you out-pretty sure we were in out tents by 9:30!

The next morning I woke up starving! We were up and out of our tent early to eat breakfast.I want to say six o'clockish. Perhaps even earlier. We left the campsite with our oats and  hard boils in search of some hot water! Luckily for us Tedeschi was open bright and early. We feasted on our breakfast right there in the parking lot and of course we got our coffee fix too. Somehow my car always ends up stinking like farts when we go on these trips-thanks to munching on hard boiled eggs in the front seat!

After our front seat feast we returned to the campsite with a box of joe for everybody and consumed breakfast #2, three hours later with the gang. I guess that's the bonus of waking up early and having a fully charged metabolism. I am pretty sure I went to bed dreaming and maybe even drooling of breakfast #2 - I had a bagel with natural PB from Trader Joes. Very rarely do I indulge in these...and every time I do, I enjoy every last crumb-WORTH IT! It settles the craving until the next fitting occasion and makes for a happy me.

We hung for a bit around the fire-it truly was relaxing. Did I mention I love getting away from reality and the city? After a bit, we packed up and headed back to Beantown. We spent the rest of Sunday eating good, clean food to replenish our bodies and resting up for the workouts ahead. It's not every day you climb a mountain for 4hrs. Recharge days are so necessary and such a treat.

Yesterday was a great workout. I was fully recharged and had a body full of fuel and my head was in a good place. Today we were supposed to do legs, but it's pretty terrible here weather wise and Brendan's schedule is stinkus so we decided to take today as our off day. We will get at tomorrow in full leg day fashion! It will be nice because we will have the gym to ourselves during the afternoon. There is nothing more annoying than those goofy gym goers we all love to hate. You now the ones on their phones, taking up space and gawking in the mirror-Yup we love to hate them!

So tonight its resting for me...We are catching up on past show seasons. We recently got a new deal with Comcast . We now get all the stations and past show seasons on demand. We are new fans of Homeland which comes out this month for season two. Luckily we had that rest day on Sunday-we are all set to go now! Haha. Tonight we are going to start on Friday Night Lights. This show I hear is great! I know there are no more seasons, but there are like seven old ones, so that should keep us busy for some time!

Until tomorrow...peace out!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Disordered Thinking

I have been feeling a little disorderd lately. I think it's because I have too much time on my hands. I def. don't handle change or stress well and I am way too hard on myself. Seriously, who do I think I am ....I wish I could figure myself out.
I feel like before I started training for shows I was way more relaxed and carefree. I love that this is my life, but I would LOVE even more to find balance in the lifestyle. As a result of bodybuilding I feel I am super critical of myself, have become crazy sensitive to touch, too aware of every little calorie and have not a carefree bone in my body. Sometimes I wonder if ignorance is bliss....Every move I make is thought about and calculated. Talk about a major difference from my college days! Ha!
With my extra time, I have been exploring new blogs. I love that these bloggers have found a balance in their lives. I find comfort in reading their daily blogs. I hope that some day I can embrace a more relaxed sense of being.
I am a very goal oriented person, which is a good thing, but I need to chill out a bit. September is flying by at lightening speed. My goal (haha) for October is to commit to three things I would like to work on for myself. I will think long and hard about these things and give it my 100% effort. The tasks I choose will be ones not to obsess over, but rather ones to help me become more relaxed. HMMMM...

Yesterday was a rest day for me. We did however take a three mile walk to return our Redbox rental. It was nothing crazy, just some good ol' active recovery.
Since committing to the show at the end of Sept. and doing a mini cut, I am constantly hungry. I was at a point where I was loving my meals and fully satisfied after eating. I actually think my body is hating me since I have cut. It looks like crap and I feel my hair is dry and with my fading summer tan I have bags under my eyes.I may have reevaluate come this Monday and add more food. It doesn't help I am trying my best to ward off stress...because we all know that sucks for the body! Today we have our last leg day of our current workout plan. I look forward to a change. Leg day is my all time fav, so it's a great way to kick off this fabulous weekend ahead. The weather is absolutely beautiful! I love fall!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September Keeps on Rolling

It's hard to believe we are almost into the middle of September. The weeks just keep rolling past. I love this time of year, when the weather changes. New England is the best place to live during these upcoming months. You wake up and the mornings are crisp & cool and by afternoon you are able to shed a layer of clothing and are completely comfortable under mother nature's warming sun.
I am into my second week of no job, it's quite an adjustment for me and has completely thrown my mental state of wellness for a loop. Therefor its completely messing with my body. I have constant stomach aches, headaches and muscle tension that won't quit! I have hit a motivation rut as well as far as working out. I was just telling Brendan last night I have no pep in my step. I swore of stress last night. I am starting fresh today and hopefully all my physical ailments will subside. Its sucks not being able to poop! I know TMI....I have had this pocket of bloat in my lower stomach that is absolutely haunting!

I am still going to pursue the show at the end of the month. I feel at this point I could go either way -do the show or not, BUT I am not one for quitting anything I set my mind to doing. I have a little over two weeks to stay tight with my diet and get some good cardio and lifts in. I will tell you I was happier before I committed to this show, BUT like I said it's so close and I feel I would be more disappointed if I didn't follow through. Plus, I am curious to see what this organization is all about. However, the unknown frightens the heck out of me.

As far as my workouts have gone since I last wrote, they haven't been anything spectacular. I am kinda bummed, but it's because mentally I am just a nut bag over not having a job. I feel I am having trouble focusing on being in the moment. Those of who lift for real, know that mind/muscle connection is key to a good worout. I know everything will work out once I settle into a new schedule and come to grips with this curve ball. I need to keep telling myself it's temporary. I have started getting up in the morning to do a casual walk, nothing crazy, more of clear my head, start the day positive type of walk. Like I said you can't beat the mornings in New England...its very relaxing.

We are going camping this weekend with friends in NH. I look forward to getting away. We have a  big hike planned for Saturday which I am super excited for.

My meals are smaller due to prepping for the show. It leaves me with less options to mix and match, which is disappointing. Although I am still eating over 1600 cals. It's crazy to think I was eating even more and staying lean. I look forward to getting my cals up again so I can start cooking some good, hearty, fall meals and eat more of a variety.

On one of my walks this week, I thought for a quick second about not competing again...Is it worth it? I am all of sudden nervous about the effects it has on my body. I LOVE, LOVE the sport and training hard, but I fear that it will take Bren and I forever to have a baby because it takes our bodies forever to recover.

Bodybuilding is nuts...everything about it. It is a different world that few understand and few live. I am thinking that was a fleeting thought, but we will see what the start of the new year brings as far as competing goes. Until then...I need to focus on getting my pep back and not stressing so much! It is taking a toll on my life and as we all know-LIFE IS TOO SHORT*

I want to leave this post on a positive note (since that is what I am working on)

Things I am loving or looking forward to:

1. Football season started- Sunday Plans always!
2. Fall weather
3. The Show / New adventure
4.Our next Flatbreads date night 9/30/12
5. The holidays ( They are going to come fast!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School...not for me

Today I woke up with an instant loser feeling. This would have been the first day of school for me if I  was still working at my old school...pardon me while I wipe my tears. Grhhh, enough about that, I am not going to dwell on my current unemployment situation. This is not what this blog is all about! Ha it's about my Although, believe me if something awesome comes my way in the job department I'll keep you posted! For now trying to maintain healthy, positive attitude that something is going to come my way. After all stress is terrible for the body. I have started to get my tension headaches again from stress, hopefully over the next couple of weeks I'll adjust and come up with some kind of schedule for myself. Next week I plan on putting my name in for subbing locally and maybe get a Nanny job if the timing works out.

On to the fitness related stuff happening in my life. This past weekend I have decided with the help of Brendan to compete one last time at the end of the month. However, I will not be doing the figure category as I usually do. I am going to give the fitness model category a whirl! Totally different from the pressure of figure...we'll see. I am going to have to be girly girly runway style, which cracks me up just thinking about it. It's something different and something for me to shoot for and focus on. As far as my body, I could probably step on stage as is, but we are cleaning it up for the next three weeks. Nothing too crazy like prepping for an OCB show, just cutting a few cals and adding a bit of cardio. Today is only day two and I am hungry! It is crazy how much food I was eating and still staying pretty lean. It goes to show you how well we did with our reverse diet and keeping ourselves in check food wise. Only healthy, good, muscle, building food enters this pie hole these days. I couldn't be more happy either. I finally feel in control of myself-it's in a sense very liberating. It is my lifestyle. I am proud of it. I eat to stay lean and gain muscles. It is who I am!

We are on week three of our volume training switch up. I can't imagine lifting any other way. My old workouts, diet and everything about last off season was so unhealthy. I am happy to say it is just a distant memory now, that continues to fade with each smart, healthy move I make. I am moving forward and accomplishing great things in the gym. I have a total balance in my life.

To keep things interesting in the cardio department, I am looking to add some boxing into the mix hopefully over the next few weeks and perhaps a spin class too. I need a little variety. I enjoyed adding tredmill sprints into the routine. I did bike intervals on Monday for the first time since deciding to do this show and what a difference a little side motivation makes in how hard you push. It was a great feeling to be gassed at the end of a quick cardio session.

Some exciting news for me : I got invited to compete at the DFAC world championship in Miami on Nov 3rd (as a result of winning my class at the Baystate). I won't be going, but it still felt cool getting the invite to compete since it's an invite only show! Anyway, I think I am going to stretch my legs and go for a walk...too much time on my hands these days without a job!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My week so far...

I started this week with a day off from the lifting. Although it wasn't planned, I am glad that I listened to my body and took the day to recoup a little. In all seriousness, everywhere you poked or touched on my body was sore and I couldn't picture myself putting up any good weight at the gym. I woke up with the intention of lifting in the evening, so I headed to the gym after I digested a bit to do some cardio. I hate having to do it after I lift because by that time I am drained! I decided to do sprints on the treadmill. Something about sprints makes me feel awesome! The gym was pretty dead-I liked it! When I do sprints on the treadmill I get a little self conscious because I feel like people stare at me, or that I sound like an elephant running. I warmed up first with a walk, then a gentle jog. My body felt good after my muscles were warmed up and I felt light. I ended up putting the treadmill on an incline because the last time I did sprints on the treadmill it was flat and I didn't get the gut wrenching tired feeling after each one. I love that feeling. It makes me feel alive! I cranked it up to 6.5 incline. I didn't want to do anything too crazy until I knew I could handle it. I ran 15 sec.  intervals @ speed 11 with 45 secs recovery (completely off with legs to the side of the belt). Now that was a good heart pumper for me. My hamstrings were giving out with five seconds left-good challenge. I did ten sprints, that's about all I could handle and did gentle jog cool down, eventually into a walk. By the end of that I was starving, so I ditched the abs and headed home to eat. No weights in the evening. We needed to get to bed early and rest up. Our late night Saturday with friends caught up to us. We are usually in bed 1030 the very latest-yup even on the weekends!

My day off from weights paid off in a big way! My Workout Tuesday (yesterday) was amazeballs. I woke up early, ate my favorite breakfast in the world (eggs with fresh tomato & overnight oats and berries with almond butter) and headed to the gym after digesting. I was in it to win it! I was totally focused and ready for the workout. It helped that I had a fabulously, new, perfect fitting Pats hat and new $12.99 Nike Kicks on and was in the zone. Side note: The night before I got a steal of a deal (thank you coupons and sales clerk who rang me up wrong) on a pair of black Nike Sneaks. I have been looking for black sneakers since Bren got his. I sweat his style what can I say. Mine have White laces though, so not totally like his. Anyway..needless to say the new gym swag gave me a little extra pep in my step. Plus, I feel when I work off my breakfast meal I am stronger. It might just be mental...

Monday was the first time in forever that I worked out solo without Brendan.  I was worried that I wouldn't have as much push, BUT I sure did! It was back and I was strong! My goal lately has been unassisted pull ups. Before we started our volume training I could probably squeak out one pull up if I was lucky. With the help of lots of rack chins I am now able to get four on my own for three sets! It's the little things that make me feel like I am gaining strength and muscle. My back workout was strong the whole twenty something sets and I even had abs in me at the end AND topped it of with ten intervals on the bike. It was a good day indeed at the gym! I needed it. You know when you have those workouts that are not only physically pleasing but also mentally make you feel good-that back workout was one of them! It has now set me up to have a good week of working out!

The reason I had to lift solo yesterday was because I had a long overdue hair appointment! My hair looked horrible brassy, dry and just gross from the summer. Now it's back to it's old healthy self. I was really feeling self conscious about it for awhile. Thank goodness for hats! I love working out in my hat these days. It is a mental thing with me now-need it! Wearing it puts me in the zone!

I am currently getting a taste of what its like to not have a job, schedule and daily routine. It sucks! I was hoping this week would bring a last minute teaching opportunity. So far, not so good! It's killing me! I am such a type A person, lack of structure destroys me. I have too much time on my hands and there is only so much stuff (food prep, working out, blog reading) that a girl can handle! Next week, after the holiday is the true reality of it all. At that point I will start applying for Nanny jobs I guess. I crave structure! This whole no job things really puts  a damper on life and moving forward. We can't look for houses, we no longer have insurance and money becomes a stress. My Dad tells me everything works out, and I get it, I know this isn't forever, but I am not one to sit around and I certainly don't enjoy this no structure business!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ready To Take It On!

The end of summer is always bittersweet for me. Usually at this point I am prepping my classroom for the upcoming school year. However, due to the fact at this point I do not have a job for the fall, the end of summer is not actually an end for me just yet.
 This week coming up is a big week for me. I am hoping something comes my way last minute. I have NEVER not had a teaching job for the year. It's so weird...I am trying my very best not to totally freak out, but it is HARD! Stress is my enemy. When it comes over me, I totally morph into something else and it messes with my body big time. NOT GOOD.

I am finished with my Nanny job as of this past Thurs. Thank goodness, I was completely expired.  This week my life is starting fresh. I want to start blogging more to keep track of myself. It is so hard to think back to last year and where I was at mentally and physically at this point in the year. I know I went wacky at the start of fall, due to the school year and my new role as the math teacher. All and all last school year was anxiety central! I am hopeful that this fall will be different. I do feel more in control of my whole life. It's crazy how your mental well being affects every single thing. I let my body go last year and caved into emotional eating. I felt terrible about myself, and when I wasn't dressed for work, you would only catch me in sweats and a sweatshirt.I guess you could say I was depressed. BUT what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...I know so cliche of me. Although, very true.

Another reason I want to blog, is to keep track of this off season progress etc. So far it has totally rocked! No binge eating, or mental craziness (maybe a few episodes) about gaining weight and the scale. I never really recapped my competition in detail and now I can't recall all the nitty, gritty details that I so badly wanted to get in this blog. So that is why I am getting back at starting with this post that is seriously all over the place! Once I get more consistent it won't sound so nutty. Besides who cares this is for my own good...

 Lord knows with no job, I'll have time to get my thoughts down. Anyway, we have totally kicked off season ass so far. Our workouts have been banging, I am still lean and getting stronger by the week. I am eating more food (Cals) than I have in the past two years ...actually my adult life for that matter. I am  eating good clean/balanced meals, that fuel my body and workouts. I feel like I am so in control of everything.It is a good change for once. We do our Flatbreads date nights, and have our organic greek yog  for dessert. The date night out, eating my fav pizza, totally rewards/and satisfies me. It also a relaxing way to start the weekend. By Friday night I feel like I kicked my ass good and I deserve it.

 I feel good...Great for that matter and I want to continue on this path. I am training to win next year...

My workouts are way more intense-we are doing volume training these days and I love it! My strength has increased and my passion is back. Also, our diet is so varied, I am not eating the same meals ever.  We are continueouly switching our proteins, carbs and veggies. I never eat the same combo.Everything is balanced....I know my fitness journey and healthy lifestyle will be forever changing, but I am really digging how far I have come and where I am headed.

I continue to be inspired by the many blogs I read. I love, love that I am always learning new things from them, whether it be a recipe, song, book, or a good ol' attitude shift-I love it all!

I am back again...and I hope to stay this time!  I feel...On top of the world, ready to take on the future!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


It's time to return to the world of blogging! I must say I miss getting my thoughts and feelings out in words! So much has happened since I last posted I don't know where to begin. I will prob. just keep it short and sweet and get back to my regular postings. I left you back twelve days before the big competition, so I guess in all fairness that is where I should begin!
After all the prep, the show came and went! It's hard to believe it's only been about eight weeks since the show, but in a way it feels like just yesterday. It goes along with the went by so fast. It's a bummer to think we are in the middle of August already and soon enough we'll be buzzing around doing the holiday thing...I mean Target already has Halloween stuff out!

Back to the show-it was my personal best. I brought the best me package to the stage. I was happy with my improvements and surprised at how much leaner I came in compared to 2010...six pounds less than the last time I competed. Competitors of the sport are correct in saying, that each time you compete you get better and better.
I won my class! First place. I got to compete in the overall for my pro card, but I didn't end up winning that. I wanted it real bad! I still do-it will serve as my motivation for next year. We originally planned to compete in the fall at an Oct. show, but realistically it doesn't make too much sense. I still need to improve my lats, posing and don't get me started on my T -walk, so we decided to hit the off season real hard and shoot for the same show next year. I am happy with the decision. There is so much to write about the day of the show, the day after etc, but that would take too much time. So like I said I am going to keep it simple. Came in first (was super pumped) , hitting it hardcare from here on in! I plan on writing more about my current workouts and diet etc, but that will be the next post! I got to eat my pre workout and hit the iron! I am super excited to be posting again. It's a good release for me...and it will help me keep track of the good, bad and ugly days of the off season!

Until next up and train hard!

Monday, June 11, 2012

12 Days!

Whew! Where did the weeks go? It's crazy to think when this competition is over, it will have been a twenty two week journey! Yowzers! Here I am post bowl of oats, after a sixty minute walk, with a full belly... thinking about the journey....its been a crazy, but good one.

I will be honest at this point I am tired both mentally and physically and ready to see what it's like to have more energy again. I like how this prep has gone compared to last prep...but man it sure wasn't easy training wise. The food has been leaps and bounds better than the first time around, but over the past few weeks (two or three) the training has been kicking my ass! I look forward to less cardio and lifting with energy! When the competition is over we have a whole new workout plan slated to start and I coulnd't be more excited.

On the fun news front I picked up my suit this Sunday and it is classy if I do say so myself! The swarovski crystals are beautiful. Brendan said I look more confident in the suit as compared to 2010 when I look frightened like it was the tiniest thing I've ever worn, so thats a good thing! I have all my appointments scheduled to get me now it's just pushing through these last twelve days. I have two rough days left of doubles, then it's a slow wind down into peak week.
Did I mention as time gets closer my mind has been wacko! I am super nervous. I am not all about attention...five inch heels or strutting my stuff. I am more of a lover of what goes on behind the scenes to get to the finished product...More the sweaty Betty type! I am just going to work on tunnel visoun...think about happy stuff...On that note we will be celebrating one year of marriage July 2nd! We are going away to a nice little INN in Maine for two will be a good rest and we can finally enjoy one another!  AND school is out this Friday! Even though I don't know what lies ahead of my for next year, I am super excited for a break! It's going to be wicked emotional for sure!

Until next time....PEACE OUT

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Down to FOUR weeks!

It's crazy, but true, down to only four weeks. This was one of my reality check points. I told myself I would start getting excited at 8, then six and now four! I am a mixed bundle of everything. I am excited, nervous, tired, anxious, ditzy...did I mention nervous?! There is one thing I love about competing, that is the structure. I enjoy knowing  whats coming. The unknown is actually my biggest enemy and fear.
For example, I am nervous as anything about what will happen after the competition as far as my mood, weight etc. How can I even think about that at this point? I mean really...lets get to the actual show first.  But nope, crazy me is already thinking and worrying. All I I know for sure is, I won't have an off season like this past one as far as my depression goes. I will not get to that point. I tell ya, this past weekend I was my old self again. Relaxed, stress free, not worrying about the things I cannot control. It was great! I felt wonderful and truly enjoyed every minute of it. The sucky thing is, as soon as Monday night came, I was all anxious about school and worried about the week. My mood did a complete one eighty...I felt it in my body and bones...weird.  I have to work on that! I guess I should start by doing what makes me happy, not so sure teaching is it anymore. I would love to engross myself in fitness and nutrition. I love it all and find it to be so interesting. That's a whole diff. post.

Yesterday was a slap in the face. Right back at up for morning cardio at five, then off to school, leg day and HIIT. I usually love leg day, but yesterday was  a struggle. I wasn't feeling it in the right spots, my mind muscle connection was off. It seems I was too concentrated on all my aches and pains and couldn't get past them. Needless to say the workout was unfulfilling mentally. However, physically my body is so over trained and beat was a beating regardless of missing mind connection. It was def. a tough one to get through.  To make matters worse, it seemed like all the dummies were in the gym! You know how that goes, sitting on benches forever on their cell phones yadda yadda yadda...

The energy comes and goes quickly. I was up and at it again this morning, knocked of my morning cardio, buzzed around the house getting ready, then..... BAM ! I got to school and flat lined completely. It's not the best place to be zapped of energy either. I am a little crankus now, but I am going to push through. We have shoulders and arms tonight and HIIT on the stair master. Hopefully, it goes well! I am off to fill out another dreaded application. Did I mention I am sucking at getting my abs and posing in?! True story...not happening.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Finally Relaxing!

I have been meaning to blog all week, but have been completely wiped out. This week by far, has been the toughest since prep began. My double session cardio has kicked my butt! I was mentally and physically beat this week.
On Friday I could barely keep my eyes open at school, as it was I sat in a chair every chance I got. That is so not the type of teacher I am. I never sit! My  energy this week was def. low and it played with  my mental state. I had a  mini meltdown in my mind as I was warming up for my leg workout on Friday. I felt defeated in my mind.  I cannot remember the specifics (hence the reason I want to write daily, so I can get those raw emotions down ) but I know it was rough.

At this point in the game, my body, especially  my legs have little, to no time to recover. Therefor I am depending on coffee to get me through!

On the flip side this weekend is a long weekend due to Memorial Day. I am enjoying it to the fullest. I feel way less tense and more go with the flow. This weekend we have had no HIIT sessions so that helps too.

Today was super productive. Brendan and I cleaned and organized. I think we had six garbage bags full to give to good will. I feel decluttered and accomplished. We got up and at it early this morning. We knocked off our steady state cardio right when we woke up. We then returned home for eggs,oats and Friends reruns. Sundays are my fav. because we get to eat and relax together. I felt this week especially we were two robots running on a schedule with very little us time, because of that reason, today was especially rewarding.  After breakfast we spent hours doing our cleaning thing, then took our lunch to the lake and people watched and caught some rays for a couple of hours. To top off our productive morning, we rewarded ourselves with pedicures! Yup both of us! I feel like I lost five pounds of dead skin from my feet! They feel so nice and clean. I also got a manicure. I am sporting a pretty sea green on both my toes and fingers. Bren is a big fan of pedis these days! He is an excellent companion to have for these little treats!

I havent' felt this relaxed in a long time. That's one thing about prepping for a show, you feel like your mind and body is constantly going. I can appreciate good tunnel vision, but sometimes I just need a break!

This post wasn't nearly as detailed or fulfilling as I had wanted it to be, but I am going to savor the last minutes of the my evening with Brendan. I am so excited to have another relaxing day tomorrow. A day to recover from lifting. The only thing on our agenda is a 60 min walk...I hope tomorrow is as beautiful a day as today was. It's really starting to feel like summer around here! Four weeks until go time...gonna push my best these last four weeks!

I saw this pic. online today and thought it was great!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Day Behind

I am still making good on my blog...and I am glad, because these last few weeks of prep is when the going gets rough and I need to get tough. After the show I want to look back and see what small tweaks we made and how my body reacted and of course my mental state!

Remember yesterday when I said I enjoyed the morning cardio because I feel awake etc...well its a good thing because my simple morning cardio of burning 200 cals as been upped to 35 minutes now! At first it was a slap in the face,however this morning I didn't mind it. I would like it even better if I wasn't waking up to constant drizzle and gloominess!

Yesterday was our long lifting day-shoulders and arms. I was full of energy and in a good mental place all day until I got home and had down time. By the time we got to the gym at seven, my mind was nuts and I had a horrible mood swing/mini panic attack. Brendan got our newly tweaked plan for the rest of our prep. and I was just dwelling on it. The whole cardio thing is killing me. I get consumed thinking about the cardio we have to do after we lift, and just thinking about it makes me tired. Yesterday's second session was supposed to be stairs but there were a bunch of D-bags taking up the machines. It was annoying to see them hunched over , hanging on the machine for dear life or better yet talking on the phone! Instead we opted for the open bikes. Surprisingly my fifteen sprints weren't bad...and neither was my lifting session. Once I got going I was all good. I just had to jump over the mental hurdle of cardio. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are always tougher because we get to the gym so late.

Going forward I am going to try my best not to dwell on the cardio. Weights are more important and cardio should be mindless. Only a couple more weeks of double sessions.

On the flip side we changed up my diet a little bit as far as food. My cals. didn't change but we did some tweaking with my BCAAs and night meal. I must say, I went to bed happy and full. Well as full as you can be on a contest prep. diet! The change is good, it will help me be fuller for my extended morning cardio.

When we walked out of the gym at nine, I was feeling slightly better. Although, in the back of my mind I had those nasty post contest weight gain thoughts! I hate them....By the end of this prep we will have been busting our buts for 22wks! I don't want to see my body gain weight. I know I can't stay this thin because my body can't survive in this depleted state and make gains, however I fear going back to the dark place where I was this winter-depressed about my body!
I love my veins and my leanness...I feel confident,secure and a little bit bad ass, considering I have more veins in my upper body than most of the guys at the gym! I don't want that to change and I need to keep telling myself it won't and I am in control! Or at least Brendan is! Ha he is like a diet Ninja! He promised to keep us on the straight and narrow beast mode for the off season and I believe him,because he too was unhappy with our last off season binges/weight gain. With that said I am going to trust him and start focusing on day to day business...not looking weeks and months ahead!

One thing about contest prep is the emotions are out of many highs and lows throughout the entire journey. How quick the moods can shift too! It's good that I have Brendan as my rock! I was having mental craziness about not being ready and other girls...can't help thinking and worrying...I know there is always going to be someone better, I just need to focus on me.  Brendan is right, it's all about me and coming in better than my previous self, the rest is out of my control.. I got to keep pushing and giving it my all!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday's Missed blog!

So making true on my word about blogging each day of these last five weeks. Since I have a few minutes to spare before school I figure I should blog about my Monday.

Mondays are getting tougher to face, now that school is winding down and basically at this point, its glorified babysitting. For the most part this week is the last real week. After memorial day all the fun stuff happens at school, and lucky for me I have all four day weeks left after this last push. I am getting in my last tests, so I can get my grades done early. I was a tad on the cranky side yesterday at school. I am finding low carb days to be the worst as far as my patience. I am not even starving, but just short fused.

My weight was up in the morning, which was a bummer, but really not that big of a deal since it's normal to fluctuate. However, no matter how hard I try not to let the scale get in my head, it always does! Yesterday is technically our off day, but we still do 60 min. of walking, but no lifting. My body was beat because I slept like crap the night before. I had posing practice weighing heavy on my mind or I should say lack of posing. I hate it so much-but I am starting to stress out about it. I must get it done.

I headed to the gym to get my walk on. Usually I take my Nook to pass time. I read for the first twenty minutes but then was tired of it.  For some reason it seemed like it was taking too much effort. I decided to people watch instead. There are so many stupid people at the gym. I wish I could pick them off one by one and tell them what they are doing wrong. I mean, I am not miss know it all but some of these people workout like idiots or shouldI say most of the people. It's painful to watch some people! It was hot and stuffy and I was starved so I didn't stick around to do abs. I headed home instead to my special bowl of oats! I love everything I put in my mouth! Clean food really makes me happy. I just wish I could have more of it. I will not go back to eating any junk this time around. It's going to be pure beast mode for Brendan and I after this comp. and I can't wait!

I got like seven minutes of posing in and I was spent -physically and emotionally. It takes a lot of out your brain and body. I get frustrated so easily. Looking at myself in the mirror I see all my imperfections. It truly is my worst enemy. I hate the mirror and the scale equally.

I am about to embark on the toughest part of the week workout wise. Tues-Thurs. kicks my ass.  with double sessions of cardio, HIIT included and lifting. It certainly is a physical beat down. This morning I kicked it off with my 200 cals. cardio. I really don't mind this too much, because I find it helps wake me up. The toughest part of these days is after school waiting for Brendan to finish work. It gives me down time and it's the longest period of time I have to wait between meals. Oh well I am going to get at it!

We officially signed up for the show last night. We are pretty much good to go as far as hotels, suits, tanning appointments. It's all coming together. My goal for this year is to have fun! Last comp. was scary and stressful, and not so much fun in some ways. No doubt I was proud of the hard work, but this time around I want to actually enjoy it, like really really enjoy it!

Until later...peace out!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

5 wks!

Hello blog world, here I am making good on  my blogging declaration. I am going to do  my best at recording the last five weeks of prep.
This weekend has been a punch in the face energy wise. I feel knocked out! Thank goodness nothing this weekend has required high energy. At this point in prep. my energy gets low fast due to my depleted body!

Yesterday, I had to babysit my niece for the day. I packed up my food and was out the door by seven. I have noticed during this prep. I am much better at packing up  my food. It doesn't take me nearly as long as it used to and I know exactly what I need at all times. I always feel prepared and way less stressed when it comes to taking food on the road. Last prep. I felt panicked when I knew I had to pack up my meals. Brendan and I are professional food packers now!

The morning went well, I took Rory to dance and we played a bit. Lucky for me we did some low key coloring and puzzles, nothing required too much energy and I was happy to indulge in nap time myself when the clock struck one. It was a beautiful day outside and usually I am a sun worshipper, but I was happy as a clam sleeping away the afternoon on my sister's couch.
When I got home Brendan and I ate preworkout and headed to the gym. Our usual Saturday night is closing up the gym. Yesterday was no diff. We trained chest and back and squeaked out forty minutes on the elliptical. The past couple of workouts we haven't been recording. Usually I carry a mini clipboard with me and record my weights. I feel less stressed without it. Tuesday I'll be back to having clipboard in hand. I do love making note of everything, but the past few days has been a nice break. We are between workouts right now, so I have one more day of no clipboard. After that, it's all business.

This morning we did our calorie cardio right when we woke up. I didn't mind it at all. It's kinda nice waking up together, getting it done and then coming home to eat breakfast together. No doubt I am super hungry by the time we sit to eat. Lately on Sunday mornings, we have been watching Friends reruns as we eat iyr eggs and oats-loving it!
We headed out right after breakfast to search for polyester warm ups for the competition after we get our spray tan done. Mission accomplished! We still need to find a zippy for Brendan but we both got pants and I got a zippy. I am not gonna lie...I like my new competition threads. Comfy and sporty, just the way I like it! This time around we opted to pay the price and get professionally spray tanned. I am really looking forward to not having to paint one another. Hopefully, it goes as smooth as I am envisioning in my mind and the process makes the money worth it!

We headed to the lake to catch some sun and people watch. It was time well spent relaxing and chatting. I get super excited when we talk about our post comp. training/eating plan. I am excited to make changes and get serious again. I love this life!

Despite having low energy and being a tad bit hungry lately I wouldn't choose any other sport or way of life. We still need to knock out legs and intervals later today, but it's all good. I love rising against the challenge! I am going to enjoy the rest of my Sunday with my love.

 I am not excited for school tomorrow but I promised myself the days of school stress are over. I am tapped out....there are only like seventeen teaching days left. I got this! This is my last full week of school! The rest of the year I have four day weeks-then helllooo summer!

On a side note...I have slept like a baby the past two nights. That's a real treat considering most of the week I toss and turn or pee a million times throughout the night!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Five Weeks

So here I am again, regretting the fact that I haven't blogged throughout my prep. My original intent in creating this blog was to record the ups and downs of contest prep,emotionally and physically. I wanted to do this so I could look back and read about my moods, strengths, gains and challenges during my prep. I think its important to do this because looking back when all is said and done it's hard to remember the specifics.
For instance I said to Brendan this morning that last prep. I couldn't remember not sleeping (my current issue) during prep. He reminded me that too was the same last prep. Even though most of the prep is behind me, I will now be consistent with blogging for the last five weeks. It will be important for the home stretch to get down the details, so the next time around I can look back. Yes that's time around! We are shooting to do The Cape show in October.

As of right now training has picked up quite a bit. I am doing cardio twice a day, easy elliptical 200 cals int he a.m. and intervals of some sort at night. I do have two off days from lifting, but not cardio. I am cool with the current plan, I have adjusted to it,now that I am in my second week of it. My body is responding so that keeps my motivation going. I am leaner at this point then what I was when I first stepped on stage-bonus! My body is getting tired, and it feels that the end is in sight. So far my attitude is way better than last prep. I feel good about how things are going. Not to say I am not hungry, but this time around I don't feel like my world was taken away. I like our routine. I do indeed miss date night, but it's all good. I am pleased to have the best husband and training partner here to pick me up when I feel down.

Today I got down to the south shore to meet with the lady who will be making my suit. I am excited. It's all coming together now. On Sunday I will be trying a posing class for the first time. I know from here on it,I got to get those heels on and practice.

Did I mention today I have personal day from school-lovely! Brendan and I did our morning cardio together (40 min. goes by faster with him next to me for some reason) and went to Trader Joes to stock up on potatoes. Today is a high carb day so we are all smiles.

On the personal front, I am getting sad but excited for the end of the school year. At this point, I hate going into school because I know I won't be there next year. I am trying my best to put up a good front and keeping my fingers crossed I don't have to wait until the end of the summer to know what I will be doing in the fall. My dream would be to make fitness my whole life and screw teaching. However, I know that is just a dream. Reality is I need a steady job and benefits for Bren and I . Oh well....for today I will enjoy my carbs and day off!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May ...bleh

Well it's May 2nd...and I have failed miserably in posting regularly. I have hits a few bumps in the road...but I still have my health! I am currently looking for a teaching job for the fall. Going to school each day has been harder. It's honestly the last place I want to be, despite my love for my class. I can't wait until MCAS comes and goes. It is so stressful to prep. Also,  my kids are slowly but surely checking out with each passing day. It makes it difficult to keep them on track. I can't blame them, they are done and ready for summer.
Our hunt for a house is on hold until the whole job thing works out...bummer, but what can you do right?
As for the training, it's going well. We are eight weeks out, seven on Saturday. I have had some significant changes in my training and diet. Increase on the first and decrease on the second. I am still holding on strong and am pleased to be in the upper 120 range. I have some low energy/hungry days, but it's a lot better this time around. My goal is to get as lean as possible. Hopefully, fingers crossed I made some changes.

As of right now we are carb cycling. Two low days, moderate, and high days are followed after low. In the cardio department I am doing two SS days of thirty minutes, and three HIIT days of 15 intervals. Last week we threw in a plyo day as one of our SS days. I think we plan to do the same this week, for something different. I haven't yet thought about a suit yet, or taken a walk in my heels, but I know I need to do that soon. I am dreading posing, I hate looking in the mirror...but it has to be done!

Coffee is my BFF these days! I have many ups and downs emotionally. It's all part of the ride. Lately, been feeling down -the weather is crappy, I think it's my "period" week even though I am not actually bleeding...and I am getting all psyched out by facebook posts and updates of people. I tell ya, this is a cocky sport, people are so full of themselves-it is crazy!!!! I def. don't have an ego like some of these maniacs! We'll see what happens as the stage day approaches!

Just maybe I ll get my act together and start posting...I mean this is the home stretch and the weeks when it's really a ride on the crazy train! The rest of the weeks were the calm before the storm!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Another point for Team Obstacle! 2-0 They're winning

This is going to be short and sweet, because the more I write the more down I feel. I found out this week that due to low enrollments at my school I will be back at square one looking for a new job for the fall. Bummer, I can't tell you how much I have loved the past two years at my school. It truly is what I picture an elementary school to be like, good teachers, nice kids and supportive parents. I am saying goodbye to them all in June.

Not only is this terribly sad for my professional life, but it puts my personal life on complete hold. We went from making an offer on a house, visualizing our future unfold to being out bid by cash and now to not even looking anymore. We won't be able to resume our search until I have a job. Right now I am in limbo as far as time is concerned. Nobody is hiring at this point, sure there is talk of openings but actual contracts don't happen until June-stinkus for me and us. We were just picking up our house hunting steam too...timing sucks. However, to look on the positive I do have summer job lined up as a Nanny, so at least our income won't suffer. It's just the whole process of updating my resume, interviewing and being low man on the totum pole again! Also, in education, if you don't know somebody or have connection, your resume is just hanging in cyber space getting stale!

It's my April vacation, I didn't picture it was going to be like this. I envisioned open houses, lots of drive bys and perhaps finding the house of our dreams. Not so much. I now am going to focus on relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather that's coming our way. I promised myself I would leave the job thing alone this week, since all schools are on break. I will start up the first week back..Did I mention I also dread packing up my classroom. We don't have any room for my teaching junk in our apartment-We need a house!

On the training front, we are ten weeks out. It's officially go time. My cardio is increasing a crazy amount. I am nervous just thinking about it. My four days increases to five. I will be doing to SS sessions and three HIIT sessions which consist of 15 intervals! Wowzer that's gonna be a kick in the pants, but I am ready to whatever it takes! I am getting more hungry at this point and will def. be feeling it with the increase in cardio. I will survive. This is the part I hate when  the only reason I go to bed early is because I am hungry. Also, I have come to grips I may just have to have more coffee at this point. I don't like the low energy feeling.. it makes me mad because I won't to be full spunk.

My upper body is leaning out, but as usual I need to bring in my bottom. Baby still got back & thighs that don't lie! My perception is diff. this time around, so needless to say I am more critical of physique. I think I am super rough on myself as it is. I just want want want more and patience is NOT my strong suit in anything! Although, with my's good!

I had the funnest day at school with my kids on Friday, I have a great class this year. I will be sad to not see them as fifth graders across the hall next year. 

Monday is the Boston Marathon. This will be Brendan and I's fourth year working the finish line. It's a GREAT spot-all the action happens here! The weather is forcasted to be in the upper 80's-Crazy New England. We look forward to this even every year. I am looking forward to spending some quality time with Brendan. We have both been pretty down lately...we need a day together.

I am happy to say I have my health, a loving husband and family. Life could be worse. Moving onward and upward. One thing I have learned, life is always changing, there is always some obstacle to overcome. I'll hurdle this one too!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Alrighty April-Giving you my best shot!

Another month down-crazy to think. On the training end of things, they are going. I have hit my first mental wall, but I guess its to be expected. Been going strong for about 11 weeks. We are half way to our contest-this is when I got to get tough. I have one week of carb cycling behind me. Not so bad-today is a low carb day for me. The key is to keep busy. Honestly, these past eleven weeks have been a blur. School has been keeping me occupied, and I hope it continues to do so. I spent my afternoon correcting writing pieces after school just to pass time. I was happy to see the growth in their writing, as well as see time fly quickly, making my oatmeal come fast!
The big news on the personal front is...
We recently made an offer on a house...I so saw myself in this little cape. It was perfect size, quiet neighborhood and yard. I started to picture Brendan and I taking our next step. I couldn't help but get my hopes up, even though deep done inside I knew it was too good to be true.

 It was a strong offer, the best we could do. We went over asking, committed to 20% down and were giving them the time they needed to move. Low and behold there were two cash offers! I can't imagine having that money laying around in cash!! TWO people offered cash!!! From the day we made the offer until the day we found out (Wed.-Sat.) I didn't sleep a wink! Now that we found out the news, its sucked the life out of me and I still can't sleep. Although, last night I took some tylenol PM to help.  I feel so defeated. I am trying to muster up my happy thoughts again and hope there is another dream house in our near future, but sure is difficult. Like any disappointment time will heal.

On top of that crap news, I have this rash around my mouth-weird and ugly too! I was playing doctor and doing research online, it could be a million things. I was hoping to get it resolved by going to the minute clinic Easter morning, but no such luck. If its not gone in a couple of days I am going to have to suck it up and make an appointment!

The good news is...April vacation is just around the corner. I could use a week to myself to rest and relax. Limited energy with this contest prep. obviously because of calorie restriction. Going to keep giving it my is a rest day. I am going to peruse the Internet for some houses! Tomorrow is a fresh start in the gym...we start a new cycle of workouts, that should get my motivation flowing!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Long awaited Saturday!

It's finally the weekend! I can't tell you how happy I am that it is here. I feel like this week was a very long week. The change in weather sure didn't help and neither did two days of state testing. This week crept by at a snails pace. I am glad it's over.

I seem to have caught a little cold too. I am feeling a little rundown. The only plans for my weekend are to rest and relax. Last weekend as fun as it was, there was no down time and I think it caught up to me. I am going to fight the good fight and hopefully this thing won't last very long.

Despite feeling less than motivated yesterday, I was able to get a good lift in and top it off with a decent steady state run. I wore my new Under Armour kicks for the first time running. The are super light weight, and comfy but I am not sure how long they'll last. It's okay with me because I seriously love sneakers and have no problem shopping for a new pair! I still haven't worn my newest Air Max kicks. I don't know why, because I love them so much! I guess I am afraid once I wear them they won't be new anymore...geeesh!

I woke up to a rainy, dreary day. It's good for cleaning, grading papers and resting! Today I am going to crack open my new Nook and get acquainted with it! I already have a list of books I want to read first...going to be a tough choice. Hopefully, I'll finish up The Discovery of Witches soon!

I had my weigh in this morning. Since we started I have been dropping a pound a week. I haven't had to make many changes to my program thus far, which is good since we were so far out. Now that we are officially in the time span and June will be fast approaching its time for a change. I welcome the change. I think my body needs it, because I was only down a half pound. I was disappointed, however I had a feeling it was going to happen.  No doubt my physical appearance has transformed, but I want more now. I think a change will be just the trick! It's also that time where we need to break out the camera and start taking pics-bleh! I hate the camera more than anything!
You better believe I am doing some house cleaning chores in my stripper heels! There is no better way to get used to them!

Today we are lifting legs...after we have a nap date! I am hoping a good nap date will recharge me!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Making Good on My Blog Resolution

Happy Tuesday! I was about to write Happy Hump Day, but unfortunately for me and perhaps you too, it's only Tuesday! I am already wishing away the week for the weekend. It seems since the start of the week my days have been off. I think it is because Brendan and I usually have Monday off from the gym, but we flopped it for the day off on Sunday instead! I am all thrown off!

I'll be honest Monday was a rough one for some reason. I was super anxious in the morning before school. I couldn't seem to recover from my relaxing Sunday and fun weekend. I didn't want to go to school one bit, even though it was a stress free day because of MCAS. My head was racing. Part of me felt guilty for actually relaxing on Sunday and wanted to go hard right from the start Monday morning, the other part of me couldn't get motivated. I am still suffering too! I can't seem to relax, but at the same time feel lackadaisical- weird!!!The weather did a 180 which isn't helping either. Its COLD real cold. Heavy jackets and sweaters-gross! I so wanted to be done with that ...even though I knew it wasn't possible.

The rest day on Sunday was beneficial for working out. I felt fresh in that department. Aside from yesterday being national chest and back day at the gym, we were able to get a good lift in and intervals! I was nervous...because all the Dbags were lurking around, taking up space yesterday and we were on a mission. Thirteen weeks out bitches-go hard or go home! Sorry for the outburst but I am excited. I feel the journey is now heating up! Tonight we have legs...always a favorite and ALWAYS a tough one. We will follow the lift session up with intervals too!

Today was the last day of MCAS testing. I love and hate this. No more peace of mind at night or in the morning taking my time getting off to school- back to stress! Plus I am the math teacher and right around the corner is Math MCAS-no time to waste. AND rumor has it Principal Molle is making surprise observations, not loving that at all...NO good for a crazy girl with anxiety like myself. BLEH...I am loving the end because testing makes the days seem so long...and my kids are all out of whack in the behavior department. Nervous excitement on their part I guess....

This post is all over the place but I am just going with it...this week I implemented beets into my diet. Not bad, I like giving my body new foods to soak up. I also changed up my sweet potato to brown rice. Small tweaks are helping me keep my diet fresh and not so boring. Next week the plan is to start carb cycling-I'll be interested in what that will bring.

On a fun side, I got my NOOK tablet today, but will not be opening until the weekend. I'll keep ya posted. I am super excited and trying to finish my current book at lightening speed so I can move on to a new book and get it started using my new toy. The book I am currently reading is the Discovery of Witches...good indeed but it's what I like to call a smart book-def. a thinker. Next up  is something a little lighter.

Off to eat some pre workout oats and get my game face on!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Birthday!

Happy Day today! I have made myself my birthday promise to blog at least three times a week. This is like my bday resolution or something...

Anyway, yes today is my birthday and I am 31! It's hard to believe..that number sounds old. I don't feel old though-so it makes no difference to me-just a number! Life is good. I feel good physically, mentally and emotionally!

This weekend was great. It was one that Brendan and I have been looking forward to since we began our contest prep. journey, which was I believe nine weeks ago. Yup that's right nine weeks into dieting. It's very different from last prep. Its going smoothly so far. It actually really begins tomorrow. Thirteen weeks out-go time. There will be many ups and downs ahead I am sure, but I know together Brendan and I will get through it all. My gym days have been good, I think only two workouts so far have blown so that's not too bad. My diet has been very bearable so far. I have consistently lost one pound every week since we started nine weeks ago, so I am pleased. Doing the longer prep. is less cut throat. It's been a little less mentally nutty too.

Last night we had our one and only planned cheat meal. It wasn't even a cheat meal. We went to Flemmings Steakhouse/Wine Bar in Boston. It was delicious. We had salad, one piece of bread, petite sirloin and half baked potato plain with steamed green beans plain. Nice, clean and delicious. For dessert we had Berryline which is frozen yogurt-probably the healthiest yogurt out there. No artificial crap added. I had fresh blueberries for a topping and Brendan had fresh strawberries. It was a delightful little treat to top off a delicious meal.

The good thing is, I was completely satisfied and it didn't set off any cravings, which was what I was a little nervous about. The bonus to the evening was our waiter tipped us off on the restaurant week deal so we saved like $70.00! Flemmings is a tad pricey, but it was a special occasion!

I am interested to see how my body responds this week on the scale. Its def. kinda neat to see new veins coming in and feeling my body firm up. I love unwrapping the package!

This week I will get down to the nitty gritty of posing-nothing crazy but at least get started on it. I need to dust off the heels and make them an extension of my legs. Last year I looked like a five year old in her mother's heels the way I walked in them. This year I plan on bringing a more polished look to the stage, maybe some girly glam. Last year I was too busy being petrified on stage.

Enough about contest life! In addition to a wonderful dinner date, we saw the Hunger Games- It lived up to the hype. I loved it. I want to reread the books! The only down part was we had a little mishap with our timing and arrival to the theater. We were stuck in the second row. I do not recommend this seating arrangement-ever! It's a good thing we had our tickets bought already or else we would have been totally out of luck in the movie department. After settling down, I was able to enjoy myself. I was fuming at first and to top it off I dribbled salsa down my white camisole because I was eating my chicken and green beans in the dark! I never fail to spill  in the light, nevermind in the dark! Geesh. It was a great flick though! Brendan enjoyed it too!

This morning was my actual birthday. As always Brendan spoiled me. He's the best! Full of fun surprises-always! I am one happy bday girl! We went to visit my parents today too. We planned a movie date with them, since celebrating with food is out of the question at this time. With them we saw 21Jump Street. Wicked funny. It's not often we see a good movie in the theater-this weekend we saw two! Kudos to us!

I am so fortunate to have a wonderful husbad and family. Even the later mentioned bugs me at times, I'll keep them!
I am so not looking forward to Monday at all. The weather is night and day from last week. It's chilly and raw. Not a speck of sun to be seen in the sky. I am hoping for tomorrow to change a bit. I expect cold, but a little sun would be great for the mood. My fourth graders have MCAS testing which is easy on me, but at the same time makes for a loooong day and a lonnnng weeek!  I am trying to keep positive though...three weeks until April vacation.

The weekend coming we have zero planned, which is kinda nice. This week and weekend was super busy with zero down time. I am wiped out! The only thing on the agenda is getting my new NOOK from my parents. I am super pumped! Fingers crossed that this week is a little less crazy than last as far as having no down time!

Things to do this week:
Get serious- its go time! Time to pose it out and continue pushing hard at the gym!
Stay positive

Did I happen to mention I am the new owner of a Longchamps bag (Thanks to my best husband)I feel cool!
AND new Under Armour kicks---the sneaker obsession continues!

Monday here I come!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Time keeps on ticking....

Whoa! I could possibly be setting a new record for my blogging self! It's been three days since my last post. Perhaps I am gonna stick to my guns this time and BLOG!

Not too much has been happening in my world since my last post...however I figured why not! This week is going to be a crazy one that's for sure. It's parent teacher conference time at school, always a rough few days. Three long days to be exact.

I kinda like the craziness of it all, but I also have anxiety about the week too. First off, I am a major creature of habit and this week my schedule is anything but normal. Tomorrow is our first half day...I will be working out on a school day, right smack in the middle of the day..odd for sure. Then I will return to school for my first round of conferences. Thirteen in a row baby!
That means two showers/getting ready times-that detail I don't love. I am a very low maintenance type of gal, drying my hair nicely twice is not my cup of tea. Anyway, I guess it will be good for the body to mix it up a bit. Plus it's leg day - my fav. It's a quick hitter, but it's always brutal. The most rewarding body part in my opinion, to work out. You can feel the soreness take effect right away. Immediate satisfaction-I love this!

The rest of the week is also half days at school to allow for conferences. We will take our normal Thurs. off from lifting, but I will do my intervals after school per usual. It's another day that is going to throw me for a loop because of the off schedule. After intervals I have a massage scheduled (NO COMPLAINTS HERE ON THAT ONE) then I am off to my hometown of Haverhill , to hit up a Stella Dot Jewelry party. The fun of that will be determined I guess...Not loving the idea of go, go, go, but I haven't seen my high school friends in forever, so it will be good to show face.
After Wed. and Thurs, I am thinking I am probably going to crash Friday. I will however, be extra pumped for Friday. I only have one parent meeting scheduled that afternoon,so at least I can have some time to myself to prep for the weeks ahead. That also means I'll be evacuating the premises right at three that day!

This weekend is St. Patricks day-the day everyone is Irish right?! Not us, we  won't be partaking in anything crazy...not that we are huge socialites or drinkers anyway. Contest prep. of course limits our options. I think we have a movie planned. No matter what...we are following our NDT- NO DOWN TIME mantra. Can't leave anytime to think about food food food.

I have noticed we are to the point of our prep. where our energy is kinda low...we NEED coffee! To be expected. We are seven weeks into dieting. Not bad. A third of the way done. We have a big night planned for the 24th in celebration for my BDAY . This is very  is exciting and something we have been looking forward to. After that it's really go time as far as the show goes. We'll def. be in normal prep. range. As the time gets closer I get more nervous excitement, which helps to power me through. I need it too. This morning I was bushed when I woke up for my morning cardio, but once I got going my nervous energy got me through the time spent on the tredmill! I can't complain either. My cardio is minimal right now...I am happy.

In just a bit we are off to lift chest and back! It's super sunny and warm for March, enough to give me a little pep in my step!

Until next time...see ya!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hello March!

It has been awhile since my last blog post. I have every good intention to get regular with my posting but can't seem to make it happen-YET! I will though. I enjoy blogging for sure, but I want to put value into my posts. I love the fact that it is a good outlet for me to chat it out in words. This is a good place to release!

I have been enjoying so many wonderful blogs lately. I feel inspired by all of you who blog on a daily basis. I love what you have to offer and share. Each blog I read, I feel like I take something of value away. Sometimes, it's just a good mood boost in the morning, or motivational push or a good book recommendation-I am digging it all.

I am looking forward to trying some of the many wonderful recipes I have come across... after my contest prep is over. The good, clean,  foods in the creative dishes sure give me a light at the end the prep tunnel. Must I say it again-this time around is going to be different. When I come off my prep diet, nothing but clean foods are going into my pie hole!

Contest Prep check in:

Things are moving right along. The weeks keep getting smaller which is nice. It's no longer a crazy number of weeks like 20! It's more on the side of a reg. prep time. I think we are coming on 15 weeks out. The scale continues to move slowly down- SLOW being the key word. This was the goal from the start to go slower this time to conserve muscle and preserve sanity in a sense! Each week I feel better. I still have days where I feel fat...but its in my head. I am having more options in the clothing department too,which makes getting ready for school in the morning not so annoying anymore.
I realize now, that the last two or three months leading up to this prep. I let myself go more than I wanted to. I think I had the mentality of not getting to eat anymore so  screw it! I know now, that wasn't right. Live and learn. This figure journey is all about learning from previous mistakes and boy have I learned a ton! I am excited that this time around my mind is in a good place and so is everything I put into my body. The last prep. we used a lot of artificial flavoring on our food. Let me tell you the huge difference of not using that is!! I feel awesome...never bloated or gassy. I think so far that has been my most important lesson along with my knew knowledge of coming off the diet properly. We were misguided in a major way last time because we didn't know any better. Again living and learning.

The key def. is to keep busy. We have been doing a great job at this the past couple of weekends. We have been tackling some home projects and keeping busy with errands and good prep. It is way better than sitting around looking at the clock waiting for the next meal.

My workouts in the gym have been satisfying too. I continue to get stronger. The extra motivation of the show helps but so does the idea of getting my body back! I am so excited that I feel better about the way I look. Major bonus!

My birthday is only a few weeks away. I am not so excited about another year older but I am excited to have a night of not eating out of tupperware. We have been looking forward to this since the start. IIt's our middle of the way cheat. We are going to a fancy restaurant having a good steak and potato dinner with salad! I can't wait! We are also going to see the Hunger Games! Working so hard over the past seven -ten weeks is going to make this night so much more rewarding. I cannot wait to get dressed up and have a date with my husband!t

Until then....I'll be training hard!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Body Is Running On Good Stuff

I had written a beefy post this morning with all sorts of good thoughts, but somehow my connection was lost and poof..all my smarts are circulating in cyber space!

I am going to keep this short and sweet for two reasons: I can't recall all of the profound ideas from earlier and MTV Challenge/Battle of the Exes is on! Wednesday night is a good TV night-for sure!

Basically...the title of my post was my light bulb for today. The one thing I love about contest prep is : All the good/clean food that goes into my mouth. I love that what runs my body right now is nutritious fuel! It's not too far off the mark of how we eat normally either. Don't get me wrong I love pizza (Flatbreads Organic Style) and beer,but having all clean fuel in me is a satisfying thought. My only wish is to eat MORE of the good stuff-BIGGER portions of oats, potatoes and chicken-yummo!

Brendan and I were having a good talk after our workout today about how we are going to reverse diet better this time. No binging like our life depends on it. I am entirely confident we will be able to do it too. Last time we were misguided. This time around its going to be a whole diff. ball game. The time after prep is a very crucial rebuilding period. I will not go to the dark side of junk food and binges! I cannot wait to come off the diet and do things the right way this time around. No mental games either!

Tonight was legs. My all time favorite! I was STRONG! I am loving this week. My belly has been full due to late wake up times and I have been well rested. This = happy Stephanie & good work outs.

Today was a bonus too- My dear aunt flo came. I love when its unexpected...well not really. I have been an emotional basket case this week, but I thought for sure she was not going to appear until next week. I am happy. Although, I am not sure what that means for the scale this coming Saturday. I think I am due for a cut this week anyway. Time will tell. Until then, I will continue to enjoy my food.

We decided today to get certified in TRX. It will be a good opportunity and learning experience. I am seriously looking forward to it. April 1st! I am still looking in to getting my PT cert. too-excited for that as well. Hopefully its an opening to my future in fitness. How perfect would it be for me to teach and train-pretty perfect!

Tomorrow is a big day for me! I am heading down to CT for my visit. I have been looking forward to this all vacation!
This post was no where near my earlier post...however I am pooped. I'll make it up sometime this week~!

I'll be looking forward to a little bit of this kind of love come June 24th (Minus the pepperoni). Until then I am a clean eating machine!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vacation Week!

I haven't been very good about blogging. Although this week it seems as though it should be easy for me to blog everyday. It's finally school vacation week, and I couldn't be more happy. Not that I have any huge plans, but time away from the kiddos is perfect for me. Its a long stretch from Christmas until now with no days off. Needless to say everyone was out of the building promptly at 3:00 pm.

This week I plan on catching up on some sleep and getting in some good workouts. Nothing beats going to the gym on fresh sleep and a full belly. Having vacation allows me this lovely pleasure. Also, on tap for this week is a visit to my BFF in CT who just had her second baby...a little girl. I am super excited. Mel is my college roommate and truly the nicest person I have ever met. She makes parenting look magical. I hope to be like her when I have children of my own someday.

On the contest prep front, things are moving along slowly but surely. Of course I would love to be cut up and shredded already,but I know it takes time. My workouts have been strong and the diet isn't too bad yet. Not to say I don't look forward to every meal time but so far so good. The feeling of bloat is gone, which is a major relief. My face looks thinner too. This week I had a sports massage and my lady told me my muscles feel less tight  so that meana my stretching goal is working too! My new kicks still make it fun for me to workout and a new play list is keeping me fresh too. It's getting close to the first big show of the year (April). That will for sure bring new motivation as well as fresh anxiety, but I look forward to seeing whats out there! Motivation ya know!

We have been mixing up our diet every two weeks, which has been lovely. It makes it feel like less of a diet. My last contest prep I ate the same exact thing for about fourteen weeks...looking back now I know that probably wasn't the best thing for my body nutrition wise. But hey, you live and learn right?! I am actually due for a change up starting Monday..we'll see what kind of cut I need to make and how I can't mix up my meals according to my cals.

Its a beautiful springlike day today in Boston. I got up and banged out my morning cardio...later today we have legs. My favorite! I feel its the most rewarding because you can feel right away how badly you killed it. After my leg session, I have a facial..I can chalk this day up to being fantastic!

Non food date night- Movie! The one with Reece Witherspoon, forgot the name. Looking forward to it! We were supposed to see it on Vday night but we had a car mishap and actually spent the evening waiting for a tow truck and viewing Bridge to Terabithia before I showed it to my class. It's all good though! I'll keep ya posted on the movie. Hope it's a good one! The last movie we saw was The Vow-AMAZING. A BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY XOXOX

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week Three...what a week

Hi all!
What a quick weekend. It's already Sunday, I can't believe how quick time flys...well kinda. This week was a rough one in every way imaginable. I was riding high the first two weeks all fired up about the 2012 season... then bam! It only takes two sick days of the stomach bug sitting around, doing nothing to take the wind out of my sails.
Monday started off in regular fashion, or so I thought. I got up for my morning cardio per usual. Brendan actually came with me because he was starting later than usual so that was a bonus. When I got home I did my reg. morning routine, showered got ready etc. During breakfast I felt nauseous, but I thought it was from doing cardio on an empty stomach. Not the case. On the way to work, I had to stop for some Diet Ginger ale to settle my stomach. Needless to say it got worse as the day went on. By the afternoon I was sitting on any free desk available. I was out for Tues and Wed. All I did was lay around. That is like the worst thing possible for someone like me. I got all mental and it was downhill from there. I have yet to pull myself out of the mental rut. Sucks!
The weekend went by quick...I felt like I wasted it too. I was so lost in thought that it just slipped by me. I was grumpy about diet, I was grumpy about not seeing the changes I wanted to see, I was plain miserable. For no reason. It's early I shouldn't be this crazy. I am actually happy with what I can eat, its not low yet, I have lost a pound a week and my lifts are strong. I should be fine and I will be fine. For any competitor out there, they can relate to the mental mind fuck contest prep is.
This time around I promised myself it would be different and it will. The last time I had twelve weeks so I had to get shredded fast. I like the pace of this prep. although, its tough to think in long terms. That's what gets me. I was saying to Brendan I want the food because I can't have it, not because I really want to eat. The fact that it is extremely off limits is whats doing it to me. Honestly, if I could I wouldn't eat it in my normal life-I don't know its weird. Hard to explain without rambling.
I am turning this rut inside out as of tonight. Done...and moving on. I know contest prep is full of ups and downs and I will get through them. It won't control me, its all what I make of it!
On the up side of things we saw the VOW this weekend. Truly amazing. I am a sucker for a good love story. It makes me think of my own love story. It's was a good reality check!
Words to live by...xoxo

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week two down!

So even though it's only been two weeks, I feel like my old self again. Focused. It def. feels like prep. My metabolism eats up everything I put in my body, making me hungry every couple of hours. It's  good to feel my body start to tighten up. I had successful workouts all week too. I hit my cardio days and continue to push the iron around. It's back to sleeping like a rock every night. I don't feel as bad sleeping in on Saturday mornings with the winter. When I was prepping through the summer I wanted to be up at the crack of dawn to get the most of the summer day. It helps to sleep in as far as my meals go. The later the better!

The month of February will be a good one. The initial changes will be fun to watch. I hope I put on some decent muscle during the off season. I feel different so ...fingers crossed. The hype of the competition season is everywhere. This adds to the excitement of the prep. but also gets the nerves and crazy thoughts going as well. I am going to do my best to keep my brain focused on me and my progress.

I have two weeks until school vacation which I am excited for. No big plans for me, but a nice break from the kids is good enough. I'll get to workout during the day (dead time). and have my nights to do whatever. Brendan and I hit the gym right after school one day this week. It was great! Nobody was there and we were done early. It actually felt like we had an off day. Usually we get home kinda late, need to shower and eat our last meal then its off to bed to repeat the next day! On this particular early day our meals were scheduled differently and we got some down time to enjoy each other-I wish everyday could be like that! Unfortunately, his client schedule prevents us from this, but every now and then its a great treat!

We started new workouts this week. So far so good, I've liked them all. My back is still sore from two days ago-BONUS! I had to do HIT this morning,which was a bummer since we worked legs yesterday. However lucky for me I got a good reading on the scale (slow and steady progress) and  a nice little love note to power me through! I have a new surge of energy today. I have a good feeling of -YES! this is what I do and love! It's the best feeling to have on a Saturday! In all seriousness I love my passion for working out and eating clean. I wouldn't want to live any other lifestyle!

Happy Weekend!