Sunday, December 18, 2011

fa la la la!

T-minus seven days until Christmas. I can't help but have the holiday excitement running through my veins. I feel like a giddy kid...I want Christmas to hurry up and come. It's not the gifts...its just the overall exciting feeling of the holiday.
It sure is going to be a busy week. I hope the school days go by fast and the gym sessions continue to be good leading up to the holiday. We recently took three whole days off from the gym. Completely unlike us to do, but boy it really made a difference. I have renewed strength and spirit. My past two gym sessions were fabulous. I wanted to be there. I wasn't simply going through the motions. I guess listening to my body for once, paid off. I am looking forward to school vacation to be able to lift during the day-it should make for some strong workouts. I am not looking forward to the January first resolutioners to start packing up the gym..grrr!
Our days are numbered, really we have now and January until it's go time. My feelings are mixed. I have days where I just can't wait, but then I have days that I can't wrap my  mind around the do or die attitude that comes with contest prep. I guess I'll just have to really enjoy myself up until then.
I will admit, with the holidays here, I have been thinking about treats an awful lot. I am going to stay clean up until the weekend. Hopefully, I will control myself this weekend. I hate feeling lousy...we haven't been out to eat in a month so its been a little tough. I attribute that reason for my daydreaming of cookies and chocolates. I sure am looking forward to a Flatbreads date night over vacation and satisfying my sushi cravings.

The end of the year is here, it's time to think about some resolutions and things to look forward to...
2012 is gonna be a great year!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hello Holiday Spirit!

Today is my first official day of feeling the holiday spirit. With report card conferences done and out of the way, from here until Christmas it's good times. Katie's holiday party kicked off my holiday season last night. As expected I overdid the snackies, not like my worst, but def. overboard. I have a weakness for pickies. I made sure I ate a solid dinner plate of food, but it didn't keep my from picking. However, I am not going to dwell on it. Now is the time to do it, because in just about  6 weeks it's all over until June! I don't want waste time over thinking it and beating myself up, rather I am just going to get back on track until Dec. 23rd. Last night was probably as bad as its going to get. The rest of the holiday festivities will be a lot easier to control due to the fact that the food choices will be limited and I don't like to eat my face off in front of my own family. They eat like birds! Moving on!
This weekend was great. I got my hair colored for the first time and I like it. It's a chocolate brown, just a tad bit darker than my natural hair color. I waited thirty whole years until I changed my virgin hair. Its a good look, makes it shine more and hides the gray patch that I am starting to get!
Today  Brendan and I slept in for a change. We were out way later than normal, so it was nice to not jump out of bed and get into the normal Sunday routine. We took our time, ate breakfast and watched the movie Friends with Benefits. Very predictable, but good! We also, accomplished a lot of our holiday shopping which I think is half of the reason I got the spirit running through me! We wrapped and everything! Our tree has presents underneath it. I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. I am excited - I love waking up with Brendan on Christmas morning! Looking forward to some quality time together over school break too.
We hit legs today-hamstring day. I am wiped out and my butt spot is feeling a little rough. It was a decent workout. My lunges are not steady because of my injury, so I did body weight hooked foot squats. My deads sucked because my grip gave out first. On a positive note, my hacks were great! We mixed up our shoulder workout this week too and that was a good change. Over break we will have the freedom and time to play around with some new exercises.
I made delicious turkey meatloaf for dinner. We just finished up. Brendan is busy prepping our meals for tomorrow- he is kind enough to let me do this quick blog! We are about to watch our second movie of the day-I love relax time! I promise to blog more this week!

Looking forward to getting clean this week-hitting numbers and the gym hard!
Personal day on Wednesday to finish my holiday shopping
Christmas show at school
School holiday party!
It's going to be a great week!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What drives drives YOU?

Its that dreadful time of year at cards!

 Today as I worked away on prepping my report cards for tomorrow's conferences I thought about motivation. Tomorrow countless amount of times that word will pass through my lips, whether it be for positive reasons or negative reasons.

It got me thinking,  where does motivation come from? You certainly can't buy motivation or will power. If that were the case we would have a beautiful, powerful, superior world. I got to thinking about my own motivation.
My motivation comes from the desire to feel good inside and out.
 In my career my motivation comes from seeing my students actually understand a concept and then apply it in their work or to hear them say "this is fun." Teaching is a stressful job with a lot of pressure, however, on those days where everything clicks there is no better feeling.
In the gym my obvious motivation is conditioning myself to be my very best self. I have been I know it feels damn good and is worth all the hard work it takes to get there.
In all honesty I really enjoy the journey getting there, it makes the pay off feel that much better. Don't get me wrong- the days of cardio and low cals are killer, but in the end, the feeling of accomplishment trumps those rough days.
I love to workout, always have and surmise I always will. It's who I am. I look forward to going to the gym, pushing myself and I love the feeling of exhaustion after a great workout. There are days when I don't feel like working out, but those days are few and far between. Mentally I need to workout...the physical benefits are just a bonus.

Tonight was leg night. Quad split to be specific. I wasn't all that pleased with my attitude going into the workout. I am battling mother nature and waiting for my dearest Aunt Flow to strike. Needless to say, I have a very short fuse and am slightly on the moody side. I had to do lighter weight becuase my butt spot injury. It has flared up over the past month and is hindering my intensity. I am doing my best not to get annoyed. So light weight it was.  All and all I got a decent workout. It def. helped to curb my crankus mood. Case in point...mentally I need to workout. I always feel better after.
Tomorrow morning is my normal cardio day, but I have decided I am going to take  a full day to rest and recover because of my sore spot. Hopefully, the stretching, icing and taking it a bit easier will help to alleviate the tenderness.

Eighteen days until Christmas! I put in for a personal day for next Wednesday, to finish up some shopping!
Time sure does pass by quick!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

One week down!

It's been awhile...
So far it's been one week since we have decided to clean it up a bit pre contest. Starting Monday, it has been nothing but clean, strict eating. The good efforts have paid off a bit too. The official bloat has gone down. I am no where near satisfied, but I def. feel less puffy. I hope that its a step in the right direction, I know it is.

This weekend we didn't dine out, instead we made delicious turkey meatloaf and kept to our cals. Honestly, it wasn't difficult-mind over matter I think. I miss the act of going out to dinner, but I am willing to keep to the sacrifice and do this thing right! I keep telling myself -nothing tastes as good as lean feels! Plus, it is no fun when date night involves big baggy sweats and sweatshirt because you feel too shitty to get yourself ready to go out. Instead you hide behind the big clothes and continue to make it worse. It's a viscous cycle. Feel bad, eat more, feel worse.
 We packed our meals all weekend and did great. I'll be honest, today was the toughest day. We had a fabulous opportunity to go to the Pats game today-club seats and all! It was so great, but it raised temptation for sure. Pulling into the lot seeing all the tailgators munching on Doritos, M&M's and swigging on cold beer as early as nine in the morning made my taste buds water. It looked like a fun time too. Instead Brendan and I noshed on Greek Yogurt and PB...and laughed at ourselves all the while. There is no denying eating is social and when you take it out of the equation in makes things a little bit harder. Let's just say its a blessing that Brendan and I are in this whole lifestyle together! I wouldn't change my lifestyle of eating healthy for anything...

My workouts have been good-very focused. I feel like I got my swagger & intensity back at the gym. I am determined to never get this unhappy about my body image again- it's not worth it. We have another clean week in store for us this week. We have our first cheat meal of this pre contest clean up plan this Saturday. It's my friend Katie's holiday party. There is sure to be lots of food and drink. Part of me doesn't even want to cheat, but the other half of me is looking forward to a treat. Hopefully, I can keep myself in check and only eat what I truly think is worth it. I know Brendan will not let us fail! First thing Sunday morning we are back on track until Christmas. I will enjoy myself guiltless on this day.....pretty much knowing the real end of treats and cheats is nearing very soon after.

I have to get back to blogging on a regular basis...I miss the way it makes me feel. So I promise to get back on track.

Things I am loving...
  • Seeing houses with holiday lights and decorated tress in the windows
  • The idea of celebrating my first Christmas as husband and wife
  • The love an support of Brendan
  • Report card cconferences being OVER on Friday!
  • My new North Face bag-love it! Compliments of my husband