Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Long awaited Saturday!

It's finally the weekend! I can't tell you how happy I am that it is here. I feel like this week was a very long week. The change in weather sure didn't help and neither did two days of state testing. This week crept by at a snails pace. I am glad it's over.

I seem to have caught a little cold too. I am feeling a little rundown. The only plans for my weekend are to rest and relax. Last weekend as fun as it was, there was no down time and I think it caught up to me. I am going to fight the good fight and hopefully this thing won't last very long.

Despite feeling less than motivated yesterday, I was able to get a good lift in and top it off with a decent steady state run. I wore my new Under Armour kicks for the first time running. The are super light weight, and comfy but I am not sure how long they'll last. It's okay with me because I seriously love sneakers and have no problem shopping for a new pair! I still haven't worn my newest Air Max kicks. I don't know why, because I love them so much! I guess I am afraid once I wear them they won't be new anymore...geeesh!

I woke up to a rainy, dreary day. It's good for cleaning, grading papers and resting! Today I am going to crack open my new Nook and get acquainted with it! I already have a list of books I want to read first...going to be a tough choice. Hopefully, I'll finish up The Discovery of Witches soon!

I had my weigh in this morning. Since we started I have been dropping a pound a week. I haven't had to make many changes to my program thus far, which is good since we were so far out. Now that we are officially in the time span and June will be fast approaching its time for a change. I welcome the change. I think my body needs it, because I was only down a half pound. I was disappointed, however I had a feeling it was going to happen.  No doubt my physical appearance has transformed, but I want more now. I think a change will be just the trick! It's also that time where we need to break out the camera and start taking pics-bleh! I hate the camera more than anything!
You better believe I am doing some house cleaning chores in my stripper heels! There is no better way to get used to them!

Today we are lifting legs...after we have a nap date! I am hoping a good nap date will recharge me!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Making Good on My Blog Resolution

Happy Tuesday! I was about to write Happy Hump Day, but unfortunately for me and perhaps you too, it's only Tuesday! I am already wishing away the week for the weekend. It seems since the start of the week my days have been off. I think it is because Brendan and I usually have Monday off from the gym, but we flopped it for the day off on Sunday instead! I am all thrown off!

I'll be honest Monday was a rough one for some reason. I was super anxious in the morning before school. I couldn't seem to recover from my relaxing Sunday and fun weekend. I didn't want to go to school one bit, even though it was a stress free day because of MCAS. My head was racing. Part of me felt guilty for actually relaxing on Sunday and wanted to go hard right from the start Monday morning, the other part of me couldn't get motivated. I am still suffering too! I can't seem to relax, but at the same time feel lackadaisical- weird!!!The weather did a 180 which isn't helping either. Its COLD real cold. Heavy jackets and sweaters-gross! I so wanted to be done with that ...even though I knew it wasn't possible.

The rest day on Sunday was beneficial for working out. I felt fresh in that department. Aside from yesterday being national chest and back day at the gym, we were able to get a good lift in and intervals! I was nervous...because all the Dbags were lurking around, taking up space yesterday and we were on a mission. Thirteen weeks out bitches-go hard or go home! Sorry for the outburst but I am excited. I feel the journey is now heating up! Tonight we have legs...always a favorite and ALWAYS a tough one. We will follow the lift session up with intervals too!

Today was the last day of MCAS testing. I love and hate this. No more peace of mind at night or in the morning taking my time getting off to school- back to stress! Plus I am the math teacher and right around the corner is Math MCAS-no time to waste. AND rumor has it Principal Molle is making surprise observations, not loving that at all...NO good for a crazy girl with anxiety like myself. BLEH...I am loving the end because testing makes the days seem so long...and my kids are all out of whack in the behavior department. Nervous excitement on their part I guess....

This post is all over the place but I am just going with it...this week I implemented beets into my diet. Not bad, I like giving my body new foods to soak up. I also changed up my sweet potato to brown rice. Small tweaks are helping me keep my diet fresh and not so boring. Next week the plan is to start carb cycling-I'll be interested in what that will bring.

On a fun side, I got my NOOK tablet today, but will not be opening until the weekend. I'll keep ya posted. I am super excited and trying to finish my current book at lightening speed so I can move on to a new book and get it started using my new toy. The book I am currently reading is the Discovery of Witches...good indeed but it's what I like to call a smart book-def. a thinker. Next up  is something a little lighter.

Off to eat some pre workout oats and get my game face on!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Birthday!

Happy Day today! I have made myself my birthday promise to blog at least three times a week. This is like my bday resolution or something...

Anyway, yes today is my birthday and I am 31! It's hard to believe..that number sounds old. I don't feel old though-so it makes no difference to me-just a number! Life is good. I feel good physically, mentally and emotionally!

This weekend was great. It was one that Brendan and I have been looking forward to since we began our contest prep. journey, which was I believe nine weeks ago. Yup that's right nine weeks into dieting. It's very different from last prep. Its going smoothly so far. It actually really begins tomorrow. Thirteen weeks out-go time. There will be many ups and downs ahead I am sure, but I know together Brendan and I will get through it all. My gym days have been good, I think only two workouts so far have blown so that's not too bad. My diet has been very bearable so far. I have consistently lost one pound every week since we started nine weeks ago, so I am pleased. Doing the longer prep. is less cut throat. It's been a little less mentally nutty too.

Last night we had our one and only planned cheat meal. It wasn't even a cheat meal. We went to Flemmings Steakhouse/Wine Bar in Boston. It was delicious. We had salad, one piece of bread, petite sirloin and half baked potato plain with steamed green beans plain. Nice, clean and delicious. For dessert we had Berryline which is frozen yogurt-probably the healthiest yogurt out there. No artificial crap added. I had fresh blueberries for a topping and Brendan had fresh strawberries. It was a delightful little treat to top off a delicious meal.

The good thing is, I was completely satisfied and it didn't set off any cravings, which was what I was a little nervous about. The bonus to the evening was our waiter tipped us off on the restaurant week deal so we saved like $70.00! Flemmings is a tad pricey, but it was a special occasion!

I am interested to see how my body responds this week on the scale. Its def. kinda neat to see new veins coming in and feeling my body firm up. I love unwrapping the package!

This week I will get down to the nitty gritty of posing-nothing crazy but at least get started on it. I need to dust off the heels and make them an extension of my legs. Last year I looked like a five year old in her mother's heels the way I walked in them. This year I plan on bringing a more polished look to the stage, maybe some girly glam. Last year I was too busy being petrified on stage.

Enough about contest life! In addition to a wonderful dinner date, we saw the Hunger Games- It lived up to the hype. I loved it. I want to reread the books! The only down part was we had a little mishap with our timing and arrival to the theater. We were stuck in the second row. I do not recommend this seating arrangement-ever! It's a good thing we had our tickets bought already or else we would have been totally out of luck in the movie department. After settling down, I was able to enjoy myself. I was fuming at first and to top it off I dribbled salsa down my white camisole because I was eating my chicken and green beans in the dark! I never fail to spill  in the light, nevermind in the dark! Geesh. It was a great flick though! Brendan enjoyed it too!

This morning was my actual birthday. As always Brendan spoiled me. He's the best! Full of fun surprises-always! I am one happy bday girl! We went to visit my parents today too. We planned a movie date with them, since celebrating with food is out of the question at this time. With them we saw 21Jump Street. Wicked funny. It's not often we see a good movie in the theater-this weekend we saw two! Kudos to us!

I am so fortunate to have a wonderful husbad and family. Even the later mentioned bugs me at times, I'll keep them!
I am so not looking forward to Monday at all. The weather is night and day from last week. It's chilly and raw. Not a speck of sun to be seen in the sky. I am hoping for tomorrow to change a bit. I expect cold, but a little sun would be great for the mood. My fourth graders have MCAS testing which is easy on me, but at the same time makes for a loooong day and a lonnnng weeek!  I am trying to keep positive though...three weeks until April vacation.

The weekend coming we have zero planned, which is kinda nice. This week and weekend was super busy with zero down time. I am wiped out! The only thing on the agenda is getting my new NOOK from my parents. I am super pumped! Fingers crossed that this week is a little less crazy than last as far as having no down time!

Things to do this week:
Get serious- its go time! Time to pose it out and continue pushing hard at the gym!
Stay positive

Did I happen to mention I am the new owner of a Longchamps bag (Thanks to my best husband)I feel cool!
AND new Under Armour kicks---the sneaker obsession continues!

Monday here I come!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Time keeps on ticking....

Whoa! I could possibly be setting a new record for my blogging self! It's been three days since my last post. Perhaps I am gonna stick to my guns this time and BLOG!

Not too much has been happening in my world since my last post...however I figured why not! This week is going to be a crazy one that's for sure. It's parent teacher conference time at school, always a rough few days. Three long days to be exact.

I kinda like the craziness of it all, but I also have anxiety about the week too. First off, I am a major creature of habit and this week my schedule is anything but normal. Tomorrow is our first half day...I will be working out on a school day, right smack in the middle of the day..odd for sure. Then I will return to school for my first round of conferences. Thirteen in a row baby!
That means two showers/getting ready times-that detail I don't love. I am a very low maintenance type of gal, drying my hair nicely twice is not my cup of tea. Anyway, I guess it will be good for the body to mix it up a bit. Plus it's leg day - my fav. It's a quick hitter, but it's always brutal. The most rewarding body part in my opinion, to work out. You can feel the soreness take effect right away. Immediate satisfaction-I love this!

The rest of the week is also half days at school to allow for conferences. We will take our normal Thurs. off from lifting, but I will do my intervals after school per usual. It's another day that is going to throw me for a loop because of the off schedule. After intervals I have a massage scheduled (NO COMPLAINTS HERE ON THAT ONE) then I am off to my hometown of Haverhill , to hit up a Stella Dot Jewelry party. The fun of that will be determined I guess...Not loving the idea of go, go, go, but I haven't seen my high school friends in forever, so it will be good to show face.
After Wed. and Thurs, I am thinking I am probably going to crash Friday. I will however, be extra pumped for Friday. I only have one parent meeting scheduled that afternoon,so at least I can have some time to myself to prep for the weeks ahead. That also means I'll be evacuating the premises right at three that day!

This weekend is St. Patricks day-the day everyone is Irish right?! Not us, we  won't be partaking in anything crazy...not that we are huge socialites or drinkers anyway. Contest prep. of course limits our options. I think we have a movie planned. No matter what...we are following our NDT- NO DOWN TIME mantra. Can't leave anytime to think about food food food.

I have noticed we are to the point of our prep. where our energy is kinda low...we NEED coffee! To be expected. We are seven weeks into dieting. Not bad. A third of the way done. We have a big night planned for the 24th in celebration for my BDAY . This is very  is exciting and something we have been looking forward to. After that it's really go time as far as the show goes. We'll def. be in normal prep. range. As the time gets closer I get more nervous excitement, which helps to power me through. I need it too. This morning I was bushed when I woke up for my morning cardio, but once I got going my nervous energy got me through the time spent on the tredmill! I can't complain either. My cardio is minimal right now...I am happy.

In just a bit we are off to lift chest and back! It's super sunny and warm for March, enough to give me a little pep in my step!

Until next time...see ya!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hello March!

It has been awhile since my last blog post. I have every good intention to get regular with my posting but can't seem to make it happen-YET! I will though. I enjoy blogging for sure, but I want to put value into my posts. I love the fact that it is a good outlet for me to chat it out in words. This is a good place to release!

I have been enjoying so many wonderful blogs lately. I feel inspired by all of you who blog on a daily basis. I love what you have to offer and share. Each blog I read, I feel like I take something of value away. Sometimes, it's just a good mood boost in the morning, or motivational push or a good book recommendation-I am digging it all.

I am looking forward to trying some of the many wonderful recipes I have come across... after my contest prep is over. The good, clean,  foods in the creative dishes sure give me a light at the end the prep tunnel. Must I say it again-this time around is going to be different. When I come off my prep diet, nothing but clean foods are going into my pie hole!

Contest Prep check in:

Things are moving right along. The weeks keep getting smaller which is nice. It's no longer a crazy number of weeks like 20! It's more on the side of a reg. prep time. I think we are coming on 15 weeks out. The scale continues to move slowly down- SLOW being the key word. This was the goal from the start to go slower this time to conserve muscle and preserve sanity in a sense! Each week I feel better. I still have days where I feel fat...but its in my head. I am having more options in the clothing department too,which makes getting ready for school in the morning not so annoying anymore.
I realize now, that the last two or three months leading up to this prep. I let myself go more than I wanted to. I think I had the mentality of not getting to eat anymore so  screw it! I know now, that wasn't right. Live and learn. This figure journey is all about learning from previous mistakes and boy have I learned a ton! I am excited that this time around my mind is in a good place and so is everything I put into my body. The last prep. we used a lot of artificial flavoring on our food. Let me tell you the huge difference of not using that is!! I feel awesome...never bloated or gassy. I think so far that has been my most important lesson along with my knew knowledge of coming off the diet properly. We were misguided in a major way last time because we didn't know any better. Again living and learning.

The key def. is to keep busy. We have been doing a great job at this the past couple of weekends. We have been tackling some home projects and keeping busy with errands and good prep. It is way better than sitting around looking at the clock waiting for the next meal.

My workouts in the gym have been satisfying too. I continue to get stronger. The extra motivation of the show helps but so does the idea of getting my body back! I am so excited that I feel better about the way I look. Major bonus!

My birthday is only a few weeks away. I am not so excited about another year older but I am excited to have a night of not eating out of tupperware. We have been looking forward to this since the start. IIt's our middle of the way cheat. We are going to a fancy restaurant having a good steak and potato dinner with salad! I can't wait! We are also going to see the Hunger Games! Working so hard over the past seven -ten weeks is going to make this night so much more rewarding. I cannot wait to get dressed up and have a date with my husband!t

Until then....I'll be training hard!