Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ready To Take It On!

The end of summer is always bittersweet for me. Usually at this point I am prepping my classroom for the upcoming school year. However, due to the fact at this point I do not have a job for the fall, the end of summer is not actually an end for me just yet.
 This week coming up is a big week for me. I am hoping something comes my way last minute. I have NEVER not had a teaching job for the year. It's so weird...I am trying my very best not to totally freak out, but it is HARD! Stress is my enemy. When it comes over me, I totally morph into something else and it messes with my body big time. NOT GOOD.

I am finished with my Nanny job as of this past Thurs. Thank goodness, I was completely expired.  This week my life is starting fresh. I want to start blogging more to keep track of myself. It is so hard to think back to last year and where I was at mentally and physically at this point in the year. I know I went wacky at the start of fall, due to the school year and my new role as the math teacher. All and all last school year was anxiety central! I am hopeful that this fall will be different. I do feel more in control of my whole life. It's crazy how your mental well being affects every single thing. I let my body go last year and caved into emotional eating. I felt terrible about myself, and when I wasn't dressed for work, you would only catch me in sweats and a sweatshirt.I guess you could say I was depressed. BUT what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...I know so cliche of me. Although, very true.

Another reason I want to blog, is to keep track of this off season progress etc. So far it has totally rocked! No binge eating, or mental craziness (maybe a few episodes) about gaining weight and the scale. I never really recapped my competition in detail and now I can't recall all the nitty, gritty details that I so badly wanted to get in this blog. So that is why I am getting back at starting with this post that is seriously all over the place! Once I get more consistent it won't sound so nutty. Besides who cares this is for my own good...

 Lord knows with no job, I'll have time to get my thoughts down. Anyway, we have totally kicked off season ass so far. Our workouts have been banging, I am still lean and getting stronger by the week. I am eating more food (Cals) than I have in the past two years ...actually my adult life for that matter. I am  eating good clean/balanced meals, that fuel my body and workouts. I feel like I am so in control of everything.It is a good change for once. We do our Flatbreads date nights, and have our organic greek yog  for dessert. The date night out, eating my fav pizza, totally rewards/and satisfies me. It also a relaxing way to start the weekend. By Friday night I feel like I kicked my ass good and I deserve it.

 I feel good...Great for that matter and I want to continue on this path. I am training to win next year...

My workouts are way more intense-we are doing volume training these days and I love it! My strength has increased and my passion is back. Also, our diet is so varied, I am not eating the same meals ever.  We are continueouly switching our proteins, carbs and veggies. I never eat the same combo.Everything is balanced....I know my fitness journey and healthy lifestyle will be forever changing, but I am really digging how far I have come and where I am headed.

I continue to be inspired by the many blogs I read. I love, love that I am always learning new things from them, whether it be a recipe, song, book, or a good ol' attitude shift-I love it all!

I am back again...and I hope to stay this time!  I feel...On top of the world, ready to take on the future!


  1. Check out those guns!!! I'm jealous!


  2. Great article! Thanks for sharing I added some thoughts on hiking wipes sometime ago
