Thursday, September 20, 2012

Do you ever go to bed thinking about your breakfast for the next morning? This happens to me every single night! There's a lot to be said for a good bowl of oats and berries with a mini egg white omelet and a steamy cup of Joe in the morning. I am a huge fan of breakfast. I don't know how people can skip such a glorious meal. I love my morning routine. I eat my favorite meal as I read healthy living blogs and of course check out facebook----LOSER!
When I don't get to engage in my morning routine I feel a little off for the rest of the day. That was the story this morning. I was in a bit of a rush to get out the door.The time I usually spend waking up and reading was cut in half, basically nonexistent. I checked my email quickly and the weather, that's it. My big plan of the day was to  meet up with my sister for an early morning cardio combat class at her gym (which is so nice)then spend the morning with her and my niece Rory. This is my new Thurs. schedule. Although today was the first day of the combat class. I have been dieing to try some sort of exercise class to see what they are all about. It's def. not my usual thing at all, but I was curious. A lot of the blogs I read, are full of girls doing such classes so I thought I would give it a whirl. It's good to mix things up. I def. left feeling a tad disappointed. I think my expectations for a good kill me type workout were set too high. I liked the music and the energy of the class, but I felt a little cramped and afraid I was going to kick or punch somebody in the head. Not on purpose of course! It was good for me to get it out of my system. Now if I could quench my thirst for a good yoga class I will be all set. However the true story is, I  am a meathead to the core, always will be and nothing beats lifting weights!

Yesterday we did a power leg workout and needless to say my legs are sore and heavy today. I always get super anxious and nerved up on leg day for some reason. I often wonder if that happens to anybody else? As I have said many times before, it is my all time favorite workout. My dead lifts were a little on the weak side for some reason, but that's cool with me. It will be something to work toward. We were able to workout in the afternoon again, so it was nice and quiet. Due to this reason I was able to enjoy a hot dinner of steak , veggies and rice. It is the best when the steak is hot off the grill.
After dinner t we went to our favorite store : WHOLE FOODS to pick up a few items and treat ourselves to an iced Americano our new favorite craving! Whole Foods makes the best, I think it's because they have unsweetened almond milk to give it a nutty flavor. We both have addictive personalities when it comes to food/drinks we enjoy so we put a two special coffee limit on the week. Last night was number two, so we are dunzo for this week. It gets expensive!
I had a mini meltdown about our current situation-me with no job and all. I am so up and down with it lately, I absolutely hate it. I got a phone call from old school about subbing so I got wicked stressed out and then WHAM out of no where it was waterworks central. Blah, needless to say I was crankus for the rest of the night...bummer.
I was glad to wake up and get out of the house early this morning. I just got back from a casual walk and am waiting for Bren to get home so we can eat preworkout and bounce! Tonight is back and shoulders...gonna have to throw elbows around at the gym. Perhaps I'll whip out my cardio combat moves from this morning- jab, jab -Cross!!
Hopefully by the time we get there it will have died down a bit.

Tomorrow is the start of the weekend, so that means date night at Flatbreads to kick it off. Last weekend we missed out because I was still thinking about the show . Tomorrow is a highly anticipated night on both our parts. We truly love date nights. It's stress free and we get to have a treat that we work hard for all week! Also tomorrow bonus- they have pumpin beer on tap. We have been waiting for this big change over from Sea Dog Blueberry to Wolaver Pumpkin Ale all season and the time had finally come. Woot Woot!

I have been seeing a lot of fall bucket lists around the blogsphere...I might have to make one for myself before fall disappears and the winter comes knocking!

1. Drink Pumpkin Beer-CHECK!

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