Sunday, November 20, 2011

Long time, no blog

Been feeling a lot like this guy lately...
I have been Mrs. Hangry Pants lately. (Hangry Pants = hungry pants...but angry about being hungry) Luckily tomorrow is Monday, automatic get back on track physically and mentally focused.
 I looked forward to this weekend all week and it was everything I thought it was going to be. Date night was fabulous, the movie was so great and I was relaxed all weekend UNTIL tonight...typical Sunday blues struck hard. I get so annoyed how crazy I get...I indulged a little more than normal this weekend and of course its mentally  mind fucking me now! I am afraid for the holiday weekend ahead. When I am a mental mess I give up and give in...I can't afford to let that happen. Its a vicious circle and it goes nowhere. I get down and depressed then I say what the heck have at the snacks and in the end I am miserable!! I am going to try my best not to let that happen. Hopefully my rock of a husband can help me. After this week, I am starting a hardcore cut until Dec. 10th, then again until Xmas. I don't have too much time left until I start my real prep and cut, I just got to get through the holidays ...and enjoy them too (that's the hard part).
Anyway, tomorrow is a new day! Clean clean clean until Thurs- turkey day!  I have also been crazy cravy too because I am nearing my time of the month. Who knows when exactly, but its def. soon. I can feel my mental and physical state shift..I know my body and mind. I become short fused, emotional and super cravy. The past few days I have been all of the above!

I got some flashy new kicks this weekend...they weren't exactly planned, I had to get rid of the transformer sneakers that were putting my feet to sleep. They are fabulous. Maybe a picture in the near future.

Breaking Dawn gets two thumbs up-so good! A little slow at parts, but gotta love a vampire love story!

Flatbreads-delicious as always. We got Gregory's after, but they were out of moose tracks yogurt- wicked bummer. We ended up getting Oreo yog. instead..still good.

I had a massage on Thurs night- it was different from Ivonne's, still good, but diff. I actually have an Ivonne massage on Friday. I must say my neck pains have lessened. Bren was showing me some stretches Saturday at the gym that were good. I should really get into a better stretching habit. Maybe a new years resolution...hmm

Speaking of holidays- I got some xmas shopping done today.Nothing crazy, and its not that cool that Brendan knows three of his gifts..but oh well.  Its tough to buy clothes for him...our off season bodies are so diff.
This week good stuff:
Turkey day, Christmas tree goes up Friday, days off from school & time with my Budbud - Can't wait. The only naggy thing is report cards-grrrr!!!
I promise to have some good positive thoughts for the week-starting tomorrow!
Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm glad I get to follow your blog from almost the beginning :) Your arms are impressive!!
